...Dr. Thomas Puffe. Lawyer and notary at BEITEN BURKHARDT in Berlin, one of Germany's leading commercial law firms. What Dr. Thomas Puffe is connected to KPM Berlin, he reveals in an interview for an article for the 4th issue of our WEISS magazine.

A wonderful view over the city and plenty of space - that's what lawyer and notary Dr. Thomas Puffe at his office on Lützowplatz. Just like the cup of green tea every morning that starts his working day. Preferably from the BERLIN office cup. He also serves his clients coffee or tea in KPM cups, either from the KURLAND or URANIA collection. In today's world, good design is important, says the enthusiastic amateur chef and father of four children: "For me, fine pieces and a focus on beautiful details mean a distraction from our often hectic world." It goes without saying that porcelain is also on the shelf alongside legal standard works the KPM Berlin.

Puffe's grandmother already had a KURLAND service in her cupboard for special occasions. Today the Puffe family uses plates, cups and bowls from the KURLAND BLANC NOUVEAU series. Unlike back then, the stylish pieces are used every day. “I grew up in Berlin and started and finished my law studies here. For me, KPM is one of the last traditional companies in the city,” explains Puffe. Quality and experience are very important, but we also think forward: “I am impressed by how the classic lines can be supplemented with new editions.” The platinum-colored cup from the URBINO collection, for example, is very special. Depending on the viewing angle, it reflects the black and white decor of the saucer. Puffe finds it difficult to name a favorite piece given all the selection. For him, however, the most beautiful mocha cup in the world is the one from the URANIA collection . The law firm gave this to its most important clients for Christmas. As a custom-made product with a little reminder of BEITEN BURKHARDT: The handle or cup rim is finely outlined in the blue tone of the logo.

Text: Marlene Irausek

Images: Robert Rieger