With “Introspectus”, the KPM Berlin and the Süddeutsche Zeitung Magazin come together again to have the pure white KPM canvas edited by an internationally successful art avant-gardist after the collaborations with Stefan Marx and Jean Jullien: the illustrator Eline has been interpreting it since October 2018 van Dam, alias Zeloot, the vase classic CADRE from 1967.

With the KPM+ format, the Berlin manufactory has institutionalized a kind of docking station for the creative dialogue between traditional crafts and contemporary art. Together with the SZ magazine, this approach was transferred between Zeloot and KPM Berlin into four different versions of the CADRE vase under the title “Introspectus”. The limited Artist Edition vases in sizes 0 to 3 Zeloots show classic characters who are in a state of self- and external reflection.

With her face illustrations, which are striking in terms of shape and color, Eline van Dam follows the idea that people can experience a wide variety of thoughts, emotions and memories that are reflected in their facial features, the artist told SZ Magazine. The aesthetics of the joint edition are created by the fusion of two opposites: the graphic form and color for which Eline van Dam's designs are known and the straight-line and reduced form of the Vase CADRE , which has been one of the absolute KPM icons since it was designed by Trude Petri in 1967.

The vases of the limited Artist Edition in sizes CADRE 0 to 3 Zeloots show classic characters who are in a state of self- and external reflection. With her face illustrations, which are striking in terms of shape and color, Eline van Dam follows the idea that people can experience a wide variety of thoughts, emotions and memories that are reflected in their facial features.

“Thanks to the concise design of Zeloot’s designs and the timeless design language of our CADRE vase shape, we have succeeded in creating a special KPM+ edition. It was a lot of fun to be able to work with an internationally successful artist again as part of the renewed cooperation with the SZ magazine and to show how a classic from our factory, whose design was created in 1967 and whose original shape can even be traced back to you “The design dates back to 1930, but today it absolutely corresponds to the design spirit of the times,” says Jenja Carow, Head of Marketing at KPM Berlin.

PICTURES: Eike Walkenhorst